Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Week #47--May 31, 2016

Good morning America!

I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day. That is the reason this is coming a day late. 

This week was good. We had a lot of service still. A lot of weeds here in Californial.  I don't know if I mentioned this before, but the reason we do so many weeds is because the city considers it a fire hazard and will fine you up to 2,000 dollars unless the weeds are taken care of. This results in us doing a lot of weeds. 
I'm going to be honest, this week hasn't even felt real. So many strange things have taken place it's been pretty funny. I don't even know how to describe it, haha. 

We went to the San Bernadino County fair yesterday. That was pretty fun. I've learned I don't like window shopping, but I do love rides. Although I don't have the stomach capabilities I used to. Riding the zipper took Elder Wedel and I out for the day, haha. 

Sunday was so needed. Our Ward mission leader's wife gave an amazing talk on Forgiveness. It was so so so good. Made me realize how much I need to forgive. 

Everything is on for Yvonne to get baptized 2 weeks from now which is exciting! It's been cool to see the impact that Reatha's baptism has had on her friends and family and the teaching opportunities it's given us. 
Also, I found a quote that literally blew my socks off. While this may not have the same impact on you all as it did on me, I hope that it can help someone looking for something to carry them through the next few days. (Talking about the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors, and more specifcally when his brothers through him into the pit)

"If we wonder today why, when individuals in groups become unprotesting participants in a veering toward evil, no one seems to speak up and if we are perplexed that when some speak up it is only in a weak Reuben-type dissent (which makes “I told you we shouldn’t have done that” a likely utterance)‚—if we wonder why those things happen, it is because individuals, in this case Joseph’s brothers, failed. It is always the same, brothers and sisters. Our failures are individual. You and I, therefore, have an obligation to grasp those opportunities for truth saying and for restraining evil. If we do not, we will tumble, as Joseph’s brothers did, collectively. Weak individuals make great dominoes!"
-Neal A Maxwell

Dang that's so good. I think about a bunch of dominoes falling over in a cool pattern. According to the law's of science the cause of each domino falling was because of the fall of the original domino. This is a common excuse among us as people as well. We blame our faults on the actions of others. We choose to be quiet when those around us are doing wrong. This is not the case. If we allow ourselves to be knocked down/dragged down by Satan it is our own individual mistake. 

As President Monson has counseled: 
Dare to be a Mormon;
Dare to stand alone.
Dare to have a purpose firm;
Dare to make it known.

Well, I love you all and I'm so grateful for the influence you've had on me. I know this church is true. The Savior's Atonement and the power of his Grace is the only source of change. Wether we deny that power and it takes time, or wether we plead for it and allow it to work miracles in us, changing us from who we are to who God wants us to be. 

Have a great week!

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